Switch to our sustainable AGM booklet for free.

Sign up now by completing the form below below or visit any Credit Union Plus branch

AGM Booklet

Because we’re not-for-profit, when we save money, everyone benefits. Make the switch to a sustainable AGM booklet. It’s quick, costs nothing, and if you register before 31st October you’ll be in the prize draw.

Sign up here or Call us 046 90 21395, You can drop in and fill in this form in any branch.

Here at Credit Union Plus we are always looking at ways in which to improve our service to you.

We know many people now prefer to communicate using email, to reduce the amount of paper they receive.

We would therefore like to communicate the following to you by email:

Notice of Annual General Meeting and the Annual Report

Notice of a Special General Meeting

Statements for Members pursuant to Section 130 of the Credit Union Act 1997 (as amended)

Any other such Notice, Statement, Documentation or Communication where the Board of   Directors believe electronic delivery to be expedient.

    Information Privacy

    Credit Union Plus will keep your contact information and basic membership information The credit union will treat this information with respect.

    This information will be seen and used by the appropriate credit union officers and suppliers who process data on behalf of the credit union This personal data counts as “necessary information” under the General Data Protection Regulation, We will never sell your data and we promise to keep your data safe and secure. To process personal data. the credit union must have a lawful basis to do so Please refer to our Privacy Notice on www.creditunionplus.ie for more detailed information, Credit Union Plus Limited is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland
