Payment account facility

Credit Union Plus provides our members full national and international bank transfer facilities. This means that members can avail of the opportunity to transfer money from/to their Credit Union account. Below are the details you may need to transfer money into your account.

BIC (Bank Identification Code): MNCU IE21 XXX

Sort Code: 99 10 32

IBAN (International Bank Account Number) is unique to each member, please contact us to request your IBAN.

How does it work?

This facility allows you to pay your wages, pension, social welfare/benefit payments etc, directly into your Credit Union Account. You may also send international payments (from outside Ireland) directly into your Credit Union account via SEPA or SWIFT Euro Payment. You can then pay your mortgage, credit card bills, gas, electric and other regular bills from your Credit Union account by electronic transfer, direct debit or standing order. Once-off payments may also be made.

How do I set up a Payment Account?

To set up a Payment Account: Simply visit the Credit Union office to receive your IBAN and BIC numbers. Complete a Breakdown of Payment form to specify which account balance you want your money to be paid into, e.g. Current/Shares/Loan etc. For International Payments, please contact the office for full details.

If you want to pay bills: For either once-off or regular bill payments, please bring your details to the Credit Union and our staff would be happy to set it up for you.

Please note: The account holder shall ensure that sufficient cleared funds are maintained in the account to meet any withdrawals. Withdrawals presented against an account with insufficient funds, or funds awaiting clearance (e.g. direct debits lodged and cheques lodged), will be refused. Please contact the office for full terms and conditions.